Dynamic XPath In Selenium WebDriver A Complete Guide

Attributes get modified dynamically whilst refreshed or on dynamic XPath operations. As we recognize that during Selenium WebDriver if we cannot discover the elements with the assist of regular locators which includes id, elegance, name, etc. then we use dynamic XPath to discover this sort of complicated Web Element the usage of Selenium WebDriver API.

Definition of XPath

XPath is not something however than XML Path. It permits finding any element on a web page that uses conventional XML direction expression. XPath uses an HTML DOM shape that seems like an XML direction.

Various types of X-direction

Xpath are of kinds as follows

Absolute Xpath

It is the maximum way of finding a detail however the demerit, in reality, the Xpath is that receives failed whilst there are any modifications made inside the Xpath at the HTML report.

Relative Xpath

For this shape of Xpath, the direction begins off evolved from the center of the HTML DOM shape. It has a feature that starts offevolved with a double in advance reduce more character (‘//’).

XPath axes

XPath axes are used for searching several nodes in an XML report from the current node context. These are the techniques that can be used to discover the ones net factors which cannot be placed with the beneficial useful resource of using the regular Xpath approach that doesn’t have an ID, Class name, name, hyperlink textual content, CSS direction, etc. Therefore, axes have the clients to discover the internet factors that the modifications are dynamically on refresh or on dynamic operations.

Handling complicated & dynamic factors using XPath

1) Basic Xpath

This form of Xpath expression selects nodes or listing of nodes on the idea of attributes which includes name, elegance name, id, etc.

2) Contains ()

It is achieved in XPath expression. When the price of any functional modifications is in dynamic XPath.

Basic Xpath

3) Using OR & AND

In this OR expression, we use conditions. Here each 1st state OR 2d state must be actual. It is performed at the same time as one situation is real or every. It’s the way that a minimum of one situation must be real to discover a detail.

4) Start-with function

This function is used to discover a detail whose price of function modifications at the refresh or on any dynamic operation at the internet web page. In this, the textual content of the characters is used to discover a detail of the function that has modified dynamically.

5) Text ()

This expression is used with the textual content function to discover a detail with real textual content.

6) XPath axes strategies

We use XPath axes strategies are used to discover the complicated or dynamic factors on the net web page.


We’ve got where given located all of the viable Xpath and the expression to discover any detail at the internet web page for finding out automation.