Node.js and .NET Core: What To Choose For Back-end Development?
Node.js and .NET Core are the two most popular enterprise app platforms preferred by developers around the world for their superior performance and unparalleled scalability. But at the same time, each of these two frameworks has its own strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand, both the frameworks continue to improve and get better with the subsequent updates. Despite all these differences, most developers agree that they don’t need either of them in all projects. They choose either NodeJS or .Net Core as per the project requirements. For instance, being an open system, Node.js provides much more diversity and a lot of free tools, while .NET Core has constraints because of being a Microsoft offering. On the other hand, .NET Core gets the power of a mature ecosystem delivering the enhanced CPU processors and IDE support compared to Node.js.
Introducing Node.js
Starting its journey by back in 2009. Node.js built basically for Linux and macOS to deliver a more scalable solution that are compared to the Apache HTTP Server. It is closely followed by this native Windows version of the framework appeared in 2011. The best thing about Node.js is that being a JavaScript framework that allows Node.js development company to use other languages for cross-compiling to JavaScript.

Introducing .NET core
.NET Core is built with the object-oriented programming language C#. Starting its journey in 2016, it was quickly recognized as a powerful, cross-platform framework for most .NET projects. It also allows using other languages besides the .NET framework.

Node.js and .NET core: what about scalability?
Node.js scalability
- When used in cases for which Node.js is designed, and it offers a great advantage in Scalability and has appeared to be the first choice of businesses. Node.js offers great stability in handling high throughput in the case of simple and less memory-intensive applications.
- Node.js allows each in-app service to grow independently. This makes a perfect platform for apps with distributed microservices like Uber. You can make apps with separate functions like shopping cart, items list, payment, etc with great reliability.
.NET core scalability
- Stack Overflow is a great case of scalability of .NET, it is built on ASP.NET core. The forum website has 4 million users. The .NET uses monolithic architecture in which you need to add more machines if you want to scale up.
A performance about Node.js and .NET core?
- Node. js Performance: A good majority of the developers report increased performance on switching to Node.js.
- Node.js appears to be better at handling multiple tasks simultaneously, while also handling a high fee of traffic with stability, without more server capability. It has the advantage of a high-speed Chrome V8 engine and a single-threaded asynchronous model.
- .NET Core Performance: New .NET core gives a strong competition to .js, depend on the case. It is seen that Node.js handles the task nicely when no high computation is required, but as the work gets more CPU-intensive, it loses out to ASP.NET.
- Also, the platform matters. It is observed by the .NET framework that works up to 20% on the windows platforms that are compared to Linux.

Tools in Node.js and .NET core
Both the back-end frameworks are very popular and therefore, they have a vast amount of selection tools available.
.NET tools
For .NET tools like Visual Studio, Web Essentials, ReSharper, Sublime and Mono are available. Visual Studio Code and Rider are additionally allowed in .NET Core. Development, testing, and debugging are fast and simple with the help of so many IDEs, editors, and third-party libraries are available.
Node.js tools
Node.js has strong support for WebStorm. Choosing a WebStorm leads to higher productivity in the long run.
Companies using Node.js and .NET core
Many huge names armed their products with Node.js. Netflix, PayPal, Medium, eBay. Node.js is a very famous start-up as it allows you to build products faster and cheaper, especially in the early stages of the product.
Dell, Stack Overflow, Intel, Intuit, Cisco, Morgan Stanley, Siemens and multiplied more using .NET Core for enterprise application development for years.
Real-Time usage
- Node. js: It can maintain & control a massive cost of customer data.
- ASP.NET: Numerous web pages that are obtaining the network are actually made via ASP.NET.
Languages in Node.js and .NET Core
- Node.js: It is based on JavaScript. To integrate JavaScript into the project, you have to become an expert on asynchronous programming, which requires some time.
- ASP.NET: It is based on C#. ASP.NET provides a strict type system and compile-type error checks, which is dependent upon Microsoft’s TypeScript.

- Node. js: Being asynchronous in nature, it can handle several callbacks. While doing work in Node.js, you will not face many abstractions. Also, it gives you the option to integrate small components rather than an extensive set of parameters.
- Asp.Net: A bundle of conventionalities inherited by Asp.Net enables you to magnify your code and keep it precise and condensed. But, diverting from these patterns will lead to manual patterns, which’s testing and consumes some more time.
- Node.js: There are limits on Node.js when developers choose to host their app. Therefore, more than half of the developers choose to host by forming their own Linux websites Server.
- Asp.Net: To host an app built using Asp.Net, you have several decisions like AWS, Heroku, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
Development Time
- Node.js: In Node.js, all the things are being developed as well as maintained by different developers. All these are built, keeping in mind different ideas, standards, and requirements. Hence, you might have to refer to the documentation now & then.
- Asp.Net: In Asp.Net, the majority of required plugins, modules, NuGet packages are developed by Microsoft. Due to this, there are very rare chances of any deletion of modules or change of names.

From the above-mentioned discussion, it is clear that both Node.js and .Net core are going to power too many enterprise app projects in the years to come. While both have their respective pros and cons, both will be preferred by developers as per their specific project requirements.
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